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The Treasure of Elgon

by Keith Hawthorn


(based on 2 ratings)
1 review

About the Story

There are VZ200/300, ZX Spectrum, Microbee and TRS-80 MC-10 versions.

Game Details

Editorial Reviews

Basic Programming on the Tandy TRS-80 MC-10
Walkthrough of MC-10 version
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Warning: This Adventure May Contain a Grue, March 31, 2014
by jgerrie (Cape Breton Island, Canada)
Related reviews: Basic Text Adventuring

The Treasure of Elgon Adventure is at the top range of your early 8-bit Basic two-word parser games. The puzzles are challenging but not diabolical. There is the possibility of death, but it is not sudden. Nor is it completely arbitrary. The setting is medieval fantasy, but it is hard to get a sense of reality from the various locations and one dimensional characters you run across. The feel is more one of a dream locale or mild nightmare, or perhaps something akin to Alice in Wonderland. If you're someone who can be content with a Basic two-word parser, this is one you should definitely try.

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