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(based on 1 rating) About the StorySei Marco Rossi. Dopo aver sentito tanto parlare delle avventure testuali hai deciso di contattare la ZenFactor Spa — una prestigiosa multinazionale del settore, con filiali in tutto il mondo — per saperne di più. Hai fissato un appuntamento e ti avvii verso la sede centrale, sita nella lussuosa zona precollinare di Torino… |
This Italian game hasn't had any reviews since it came out 13 years ago, and someone suggested it, so I checked it out.
It's a cute concept although some parts are a little weird. You are headed to ZenSpa, a company that does interactive fiction. But you have to find your way inside, past the secretary, and up to the director himself.
The game highlights the difference between old school and new school IF, although maybe not the way you'd expect. Pamphlets inform you that kissing is all the rage now in IF games (which I don't think is a very strong trend?). Non-consensual kissing is a bit weird, but in most situations you try it in the game, you get firmly reprimanded and arrested. One situation, though...
Overall, the game was short but well put-together and well-clued.