turn the lights off

by Naarel

Episode Green of Red-Blue-Green Light Trilogy

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The pain of healing, June 23, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: neotwinyjam

turn the lights off is the final part of the trilogy, wrapping up the story some times after the sequel, where the protagonist met someone new, but struggles with the differences in relationships. Comparing this one to the abusive one they left, they show how opposite these two men are towards them, in the way they interact with their body, respect their boundaries, and care for them.

While it is lovely to see the protagonist get their happy ending, or more like starting their path towards it, the entry still continues its depiction of how complex living the consequences of abuse is, and how it can still linger, frustratingly reverting you to old bad habits instead of going through the difficult work of accepting the past and healing from it.

Yet again, the minimalist aspect of the game, with one single dithered background, a looping muted track, and few words on the screen, hits all the more stronger. As a single entry, it is great. But as a whole, the series is fantastic.

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