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Votre oncle

by Feldo profile


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(based on 2 ratings)
2 reviews

About the Story

Courte Aventure dont Vous êtes le Héros (AVH) répondant aux contraintes de la game jam Partim 500, limitée à 500 mots par histoire.

Celle-ci se joue à la manière des Livres Dont Vous Êtes Le Héros, via un simple document textuel. Ici, un fichier PDF de deux pages et demi.

La scène est directement inspirée d'un film français de 1958.

Game Details


Entrant - Partim500 - Edition 2023


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Une farce d'enfant, February 13, 2024

Par une journée ensoleillée, quelques gamins s'amusent à faire rencontrer des passants distraits et des lampadaires.
Attention au choc !

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A childish CYOA (good!), January 19, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: French, partim500

As a tiny Choose-Your-Own-Adventure booklet, based on the 1958 of the same name, you play as a young child playing with your friends. The game: throwing pebbles at passers-by.

Pebble in hands, target acquired, you must roll some dices to determine your chances at a hit. You are then met with a choice: wait a bit longer (the target is not close) or throw it now - sending you towards one of two different endings.

The writing style of the game is very playful, almost childishly so, which works so well since you are a child doing childish things. It is also very visual in the limited descriptions - especially with its even-numbered passages.

A cute thing to play for a five-minute break!

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