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by Marina Diagourta

Puzzle, Adventure, Fantasy
Inform 7

1 review4 members have played this game.

About the Story

Your anniversary celebration takes a dark turn when the Titan Kronos strikes Mount Olympus, threatening the very existence of the Olympian gods! Embark on a journey through ancient Greece, where you'll solve puzzles, rescue your divine family, and confront the mighty Titan. Can you restore balance and seal the Titans back in Tartaros once and for all? The fate of Olympus rests in your hands!


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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Rescue the Greek Gods through code-like puzzles, September 14, 2024
by MathBrush
Related reviews: about 1 hour

In this game, Kronos has imprisoned the Gods, and you must rescue them two by two.

This game acknowledges it was written with ChatGPT, so I won't spend much time (if any) discussing that, as it seems the purpose was to make sure descriptions were descriptive, and they generally were. I knew that it would hallucinate, so I ignored most of what the text said except for objects that were easily interactable with (and a command INVESTIGATE let me know what those were, most of the time).

The map is several different cities, each of which can be moved between fairly easily. Sometimes the exits list were incorrect (like S vs SW) and one, the Necromanteion, isn't listed (you have to ENTER when you're north of the city that is near it).

Puzzles are generally complex code-type puzzles. I used decompiling to figure out rules for some of them. Players will need to know they can ROTATE something COUNTERCLOCKWISE or the game is impossible to beat. Player's should a know that you might be able to put things on a statue's head when you can't put things on the statue itself or the shelf that is on the head. A certain YES/NO question glitches if you type YES, but you can just type YES then NO and it treats it like a YES.

The HELP command here is useful, because if players don't know they can WAIT 11 HOURS, they might have to type Z dozens of times.

Overall, some of the puzzles were fun. I liked the one with flowers. What this game needs, in my opinion, is more careful puzzle testing and more bug-fixing in general. Having one dedicated gametester or several less dedicated testers who report bugs and an author who has time to fix those bugs could make this game a lot of fun. The puzzles are the main draw here, and the overall story idea, with everything else as set dressing, so I'd love to see them shine even more.

(I do have a better impression of this game because the author was open about using ChatGPT rather than hiding it. It is often clear that an author used ChatGPT, and if they do that and don't disclose it, it gives me a much more negative view of the game).

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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: September 1, 2024
Current Version: Unknown
Development System: Inform 7
IFID: 3BE3DD91-F296-40EF-A4F4-93B2D473849F
TUID: jds9mku1qtpwa4mg

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