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Personal Computing Whirled!by Gareth Pitchford profileEpisode 2 of Microfair Madness 1992 Humor PAW (Professional Adventure Writer)
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"It was Friday the 13th of November and the day of yet another "Microfair". The 101st to be exact, but who the heck is counting anyway? After all, if you have seen one you have seen them all.
You were looking forward to this one. There would be no journeys into outer space, no trips into alternate dimensions, no more encounters with demented time-lords like there was at the last fair. All in all it should be a nice peaceful day. Of course there was the secondary task of your journey to consider ... the deliverance of the new adventure game to the safe hands of DTHS, but there would be no problem with that. After all, their stall was on the first floor ... as always.
And so you found yourself standing in front of the slightly impressive building for a second time, your ticket clasped firmly in your hand ... It was then that the problems began ... Out of nowhere, for that is where these creatures dwell, came a GRUE! It hit you in the stomach, grabbed the game and legged it into the building, shouting, "If you want your game back you'll have to catch me!" Oh well, you thought, at least it hadn't eaten you (GRUES usually do that). All you had to do was go in and retrieve your game. ... It was then that you noticed your ticket was missing!
Personal Computer Whirled! (which is technically, actually called Personal Computing Whirled!) was a half-sequel/extra level of Microfair Madness produced for the ZX Spectrum 48K. Designed as a promotional release, it was initially distributed through From Beyond PD, as well as given away as a free adventure with the Sam Coupe Adventure Club magazine. It also featured on the B-Side of Scott Denyer's Grabbed by the Ghoulies!
Like the full Microfair Madness game, PCW also featured a mini-adventure, in this case the "Virtual Reality" mini-game.
A PAWed Amstrad CPC/PCW CP/M version of this title was produced and sold by Philip Reynolds of The Adventure Workshop on the same disk as Man About the House.
When Delbert the Hamster Software closed, Zenobi Software took over the distribution of this title. Although PCW was not designed as a full-length commercial release, it was sold as such by Zenobi.
The original Amstrad port is currently "lost" but a new version for CP/M, produced from the Spectrum source file, has been created. This '2018 edition' includes some tweaks and fixes. It's available as a new Spectrum 48K version as well as the CP/M edition suitable for Amstrad CPC/PCW.