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A tense Thanksgiving hiding your sexuality and learning secrets , September 7, 2024
by MathBrush
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This game was interesting; I'm not sure if it's actually complete or not, as the story ended a little abruptly for me. It did give me an ending screen, and I downloaded it and checked and found a few side stories I missed, but overall, it felt like a plot arc was building up to something but just kind of stopped right before the apex.

This game is about a tense Thanksgiving with family that doesn't really get you and a variety of unusual occurrences. Plot threads include a bigoted uncle, hiding your sexuality, learning family secrets, and (Spoiler - click to show)experiencing weird visions.

Also, everyone treats you like you're vegan but it seems like you're not really heavily vegan? That part wasn't clarified, but most of the plot points aren't. This seems more like a character-focused mood piece. You can talk to your uncle a bit, and you can decide how much to interact with your boyfriend on the phone, but (Spoiler - click to show)the visions you see don't really seem to have a resolution that I could find.

So I'm not sure how I feel about this story. The writing was good; I was invested in the characters and the overall feel. I just felt something missing in the end. But at least it's good that I wanted more of the game and not less!

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