DOUCHEBAG -- An Existential Adventure

by Unattributed

Inform 7

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A Return to Classic IF in Modern Ironic Style, January 19, 2015
by Daemon Pyrate ( Optional. For example, "San Diego, California," "Barcelona, Spain")

This game has scoring and the same sadistic humor I loved in the old games. This one, though, has heavy irony and (thank God!) the UNDO command. If you don't like twisted humor or you don't like The Onion, don't bother with this.

Everything in this game is ironic. There's a hilariously twisted ending for people who get to the end (the real end). It's a fairly easy game for people who get it (just like Catch-22 was a great novel for people who got it). The only tough part is getting all the points without using the hints at the end.

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