| Average Rating: based on 3 ratings Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2 Write a review |
- Dee Cooke, March 9, 2022
I tend to be very positive in reviewing but almost every interaction I had with this game was troubling.
Leaving the first room puts you immediately in a losing position, where you have to answer a question or die. I only figured out what to do by googling, hoping that it was an obscure reference, and I found out that it was (I read the books years ago and loved them, but I didn't form a strong memory of this particular creature).
After the first room, most reasonable directional commands don't work, requiring the use of 'ENTER ---' instead. An object that is essential to the game is undescribed and can't be interacted with most verbs (that describes several objects). The main way of gaining points is a verb that is nowhere indicated in the game. And the final puzzle of ending the game requires an exact, non-idiomatic three-word phrase ((Spoiler - click to show)BOARD SHIP REALLY).
Fortunately for the author, all of this is avoidable in the future by having more testers. If this had been tested by a few people who could give good feedback, it would be just fine, and so it casts no aspersions on the author's skill.
Edit: Also, UNDO is disabled, despite having insta-deaths without warning.
- Edo, May 5, 2021
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