I played a Python 3 port of the original BASIC game. It's at { https://www.ifarchive.org/if-archive/games/python/tower.py }. I counted 14 rooms. About 6 things to do (arguably "puzzles"), one of them had me stumped for a while. Can finish it in about an hour if you don't hurry.
I encountered two states in which the game was impossible to finish. I believe they were by design.
What's Not So Good:
- No plot. No NPCs.
- Super minimal, colorless room descriptions.
- 2-word parser.
What's Good:
+ Historical interest. (Decades ago, lots of people typed this in from a magazine & ran it.)
+ 2-word parser is adequate for this world.
+ Short & easy, for when you want to get your game on without taxin' yer noggin'.