Adventure Timeby Derek O'Neill2010 Adventure, Fantasy Inform 7
You know you're in for rough waters when the very first screen of a game drops the f-bomb on you. As you might expect, things don't get better. All the usual grammatical sins abound: misuse of ellipses, forgotten hyphens, missing apostrophes, you name it -- it's here. And what's up with the weird listing of scenery objects like doors and such as if they were moveable objects?
The paper-thin plot trundles along, stopping only long enough to diss the elderly. (Spoiler - click to show)(Try examining the table in the cabin.) The game, as its name might suggest, consists of objects and areas lifted from other games: the grate from Adventure and the cabin-cum kitchen from Zork. Adventure Time also features an annoying maze through rooms that differ only in their names (as if we needed another annoying maze), a very shortly-timed lantern, and no way to proceed past a certain point. (Spoiler - click to show)Once you use the well, there is no way to get back underground, and no way past the castle. I agree with the other reviewer -- Adventure Time isn't finished, but even if it was, it's not worth playing. AT is a ripoff of better games, pastiched together with stock locations without any sense of atmosphere, plot, or theme.