The Deserter

by MemoryCanyon

Adventure - War

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A soldier with a mech deserts an army, September 11, 2024
by MathBrush
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

I was quite surprised by the length of this game. I finished it in 15 minutes, but it's labelled as over 2 hours. I suspect it's due to replay; it would probably take longer to find all paths.

This is a game about a deserter from an army, but it's in a world where soldiers pilot mechs. There's some hints that the mechs are used in peace-time as well.

I made choices like choosing between fast and dangerous paths or long and safe ones, like investigating a cave, like whether to help strangers.

There were some minor typos, but asides from that the description is very physical, emphasizing terrain and rocks and soil and water, which gives the game some nice grounding. You can tell the main character cares a lot about his family.

Overall, an interesting setup and game. I'd play another game by this author.

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