To play, you can download, unzip it, and run the game in an interpreter program - refer to the game's documentation for details.
no graphics To play, you can download, unzip it, and run the game in an interpreter program - refer to the game's documentation for details.
To play, you can download mysterious.tar.gz, unzip it, and run the game in an interpreter program - refer to the game's documentation for details. (The file is compressed with the Unix-style .tar.gz "tarball" format. Free unpacking tools are available for most platforms.)
Having successfully completed Arrow of Death Part 1, you now have the components to make a magical arrow with which you will be able to destroy Zerdon, the evil accomplice of the Wizard Akyrz, the real mastermind behind the evil that has befallen the Golden Baton. Games converted to Inform using scott2zip by Bjorn Gustavsson, and the Inform compiler v5.5 on 4/6/98." [--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]
In the first Arrow of Death game, you obtained the materials you needed to make an arrow capable of slaying the evil Xerdoz. Now you've got to find a way to make the actual arrow itself and use it to eliminate that worthy. A typical fantasy game from the Adams era. Still copywritten, but released to the IF archive with the author's permission.
Arrow of Death Part 2 appears in the following Recommended Lists:
I Was A Teenage Adventure Gamer by J. J. Guest I grew up playing IF on the Acorn Electron, and later the BBC Master Compact. My aim here is to create a complete list of all the games that were in my collection back in the 8-bit era. It is not a Recommended List as such. Most of the...