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CYPHER: Cyberpunk Text Adventure

by Carlos and Javier Cabrera

About the Story

Ever since you came back from the Moon colonies you've been struggling to get into the smuggling business again. Things aren't as easy as they once were though, especially without your old pal Eddie around. It was him who brought all the major players in the market to do business with. And boy did they line up to hire you. Even the Yakuza used to pay almost twice the standard rate for moving passcodes through the international borders inside your Synapse.
All you've got now is a French crook that goes by the name of Lime, who cares more about setting up his own deals than bringing new quality customers on board to work with.
You always knew working with that french bastard was trouble, only you never realized how much until one of the deals he had setup went wrong.

Page Update History

v.5: 20-Apr-2013 06:08 - Edward Lacey (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed external review links
v.4: 07-Apr-2013 14:03 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
v.3: 19-Jan-2013 11:44 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
v.2: 03-Sep-2012 19:47 - Rob Maule
Changed cover art, description, author
  v.1: 03-Sep-2012 19:41 - Rob Maule
Created page

Game Details