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by Charles Moore


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About the Story

It's the Old West and Buck Swagger is the man of the hour and his feats of derring-do are known all across the western territories. You, however, are Buck's long-suffering sidekick and know all too well that those feats are actually your feats and that Buck is, in reality, a vain dimwit with great teeth and good press.

Now, Buck's been summoned to Mercury Springs, a small town under the heel of a ruthless gang of villains. His assignment? To rid the town of evil. Your assignment? To complete Buck's assignment for him and to keep him from getting himself killed in the process. If successful, you'll receive none of the accolades. But such is the life of the sidekick.



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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: September 1, 2024
Current Version: Unknown
Development System: Dialog
IFID: 7C6F34FA-0DEB-46C1-A656-E5293903C9BD
TUID: fnwsam8nuzalnym0

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