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The aim of this game is to pee in the toilet!
A satirical (and crude) take on the pedantic and often tedious nature of IF, in addition to pointing out how bad we are at performing everyday actions when we have to actually think about them.
v.7: 17-Jan-2018 07:19 -
Hulk Handsome
(Current Version)
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Changed download links | |
v.6: 04-Feb-2017 12:53 - Jonathan Blask | |
v.5: 07-Aug-2015 07:29 - Hulk Handsome Changed version number, download links | |
v.4: 25-Apr-2012 10:58 - Hulk Handsome | |
v.3: 29-Dec-2011 06:05 - Hulk Handsome Changed external review links | |
v.2: 29-Oct-2011 20:53 - Hulk Handsome Changed author, download links | |
v.1: 29-Oct-2011 20:28 - Hulk Handsome
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Auntie Pixelante
hulk handsome’s don’t pee yourself is reminiscent of don’t shit your pants, the stupid-smart game about achievements that was regretfully cold-shouldered out of its rightful place in the igf. while both games dabble in the teach-the-robot-to-make-a-sandwich absurdity of adventure game logic, i think don’t pee yourself gets a lot out of the ambiguity of the text-only format.
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The Indie Shelter
Wow, una avventura testuale! Non dobbiamo pisciarci addosso e siamo davanti alla porta chiusa del bagno. Una emozionante avventura che ci farà provare la difficoltà e la sofferenza di chi deve affrontare una delle prove più difficili della giornata. Riusciremo ad urinare senza farcela addosso?
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