Anatomical Lessons with Dr.Avner!

by Breezy


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Torture/gore game with a mild twist, August 28, 2024
by MathBrush
Related reviews: less than 15 minutes

A while ago I wrote on intfiction talking about a trend of games that followed a similar pattern:

"The text is usually a variant of ‘Oh yes, I am the bonecrusher, and I love crushing bones! The sound my victims make when they squeal is delightful’

and then choices are like:

People were questioning whether such games even exist, but this is another one in that category, almost exactly what's described above (down to being excited about removing body parts) even if (Spoiler - click to show)we find out some of it was an act later on.

The majority of the game is a person who livestreams vivisecting and torturing a criminal while describing how much they enjoy inflicting pain and hurting them. It has some illustrations, but they are very 'clean' and more like an anatomy book and not very realistic (thank heavens!)

This genre continues to be popular among those making games, so I assume it has an audience somewhere who loves it, and I hope they find this game. For me, I don't think I'll ever see the appeal.

The ending twist doesn't make much sense because (Spoiler - click to show)removing someone's liver is already a death sentence measured in hours, there's no reason someone capable of removing a liver and a stomach during a vivisection wouldn't know that. So why react so differently to murder when you've already murdered?

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