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The Treachery of Zorag

by Derek C. Jeter

Episode 274 of Eamon

(based on 2 ratings)
1 review2 members have played this game. It's on 2 wishlists.

About the Story

You have heard the legends of a powerful wizard who continuously sought greater power by unnatural means and was eventually imprisoned by a benevolent order of Druids. Unfortunately, the order faded over time and the magic that held Zorag in captivity waned.

King Raulos is assembling a party of this land's greatest heroes to investigate the possibility of Zorag's return and defeat him if he has indeed returned. You will lead this party.

This adventure is part of the Eamon universe. Like all Eamon adventures, it is an RPG-style game, mostly using a two-word parser. Because Eamon is a modular system, you may bring a character and equipment from other adventures into this one.

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 2 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Very cruel but a rewarding challenge, February 1, 2020
by Denk
Related reviews: Eamon, BASIC

This game contains:
* 304 locations
* randomized combat
* hunger timer
* thirst timer
* tiredness timer
* a light source with limited fuel
* a maze-like area
* Eamon parser (limited verb-set but how to use commands is explained)
* NB: Online version cannot SAVE and RESTORE. Download the game instead.

If you can cope with all this, this is a very fun and rewarding game with some fun puzzles too.

In this fantasy game, you are leading a party who is to find and defeat the powerful wizard Zorag. However, not everything is as it seems...

You quickly learn how to handle hunger and thirst so that is not a big challenge.

Tiredness is not critical but reduces your abilities in combat. Thus it is a good thing to CAMP once you get tired. While you camp, you and your friends take turns looking out for enemies. You and your team might get assaulted while you are camping, which starts a combat scene.

The light source is quite limited, so make sure you save the game before venturing into a dark area since there is not enough fuel to map and examine everything in one try.

The swamp is slightly maze-like, so you might want to save your game before going there, and then you can distinguish the locations by dropping your objects in the locations temporarily.

The parser is similar to other Eamon games: If you type a verb the game doesn't understand, you are given a list of verbs understood by the game. Thus you rarely have to guess verbs. If you are to use an object you should normally apply the verb USE, e.g. USE SHOVEL rather than DIG, USE BUTTON rather than PUSH BUTTON etc. The TALK command is a bit strange though: It requires the syntax "TALK <character> ABOUT <topic>". It would have been more appropriate if the command was named ASK instead of TALK.

The HINTS command gives only general hints on how the Eamon parser behaves, e.g. if you are to take an object from a container you must REMOVE the object. Stuff like that.

The difficulty of the randomized combat is medium. I think it will be possible to complete with a brand new character. However, Eamon Deluxe contains some predefined characters in case you don't want to build up a character from scratch, but just want to play this one game.

It is highly recommended to play the download-version since the online version cannot SAVE and RESTORE. Furthermore, the online version runs slower and you cannot bring your own character into the online version.

I can only say that I enjoyed this game a lot. It is the biggest Eamon game available and among the best. The random elements might not suit everyone's taste. But if you like Eamon games I think you will enjoy this too.

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Play online: The Treachery of Zorag has recently been converted to Eamon RemasteredSeptember 20, 2020
The Treachery of Zorag has recently been converted to Eamon Remastered and can thus be played online. It is possible to bring your character from other Eamon Remastered games into this game. Eamon Remastered: https://eamon-remastered.com/
Reported by Denk | History | Edit | Delete | Direct link
Download-version now available for Mac, Windows, Linux and Nintendo WiiFebruary 1, 2020
Download-version has these advantages over the online version:
* SAVE and RESTORE works
* The game runs faster
* You can bring your character from other Eamon Deluxe adventures into this one.
* The download contains walkthrough and map
Reported by Denk | History | Edit | Delete | Direct link
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