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terrible people all around, May 26, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: locusjam

The Yard is a short piece made in Unity where you play as a dog trapped in a yard. Not well treated by your owner (made best obvious by your visual condition), you are left with three different actions: bark at passers-by or to get your owner’s attention, whine, or wiggle your tail. After some time (number of action), the game will trigger an ending. There are supposedly 3 endings, I think I only found one.

There are some little issues with the formatting of the game, with the text covering the whole screen in a way that you can’t read everything, making the (Re)Play button disappear. I am also not quite sure how to trigger any of the other endings either (I’ve tried doing just one kind of action, mixes of both, etc… it seems to always end the same way).

But really, it’s honestly super sad… You feel hopeless while playing the game, at the mercy of your owner and passers-by who seemingly do nothing for you. And the greyscale interface really adds to that depressing vibe.

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