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Petals Around The Rose

by climbingstars profile


(based on 1 rating)
1 review2 members have played this game.

About the Story

All you know is that the name of the game is significant, that the answer is always even and the value for each dice roll. Can you figure out how many petals there are around the rose?


Ratings and Reviews

Write a review A mathematical pattern-finding puzzle game, August 18, 2024
by MathBrush
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This game is a pure mathematical riddle. You are shown six dice, and are asked 'how many petals are there are around the rose?'

After typing in a number, it tells you if you're right or wrong, and tells you how many petals are around the rose.

Pattern and function guessing can always be kind of suspect. Given enough rolls, you can construct a perfect mapping between dice and 'petals' without understanding the reasoning of the author.

But I eventually got it, after a lot of attempts and theorizing. A fun idea, but for my personal taste riddle-type puzzles aren't quite as fun as 'learning a system' or 'exploration' puzzles (although there was some exploration of the dice rolls).

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