The game is fairly short and there aren't many locations in it, so it's bugs and poor implmentation errors tend to stick out a lot (a room with an exit leading to itself, a supporter that is describred as still holding object even after taking them, and a faulty score system at the end).
I've found the playing experience a bit "passive" for my onw taste — you get to win the game by merely wondering around the adventure world and carrying out the most obvious actions that come to mind, some of them seemingly unsignificant toward the adventure goal. Maybe this was the greatest dissapointment, i.e. that you can "win" by apparently just wondering around, for I later discovered on a second play attempt that the game offers dialog commands too (something you'd not guess from the way the game is presented).
Ultimately, it's a puzzless scene presenting a small (but rich and rather fantastic) fictional situation. The descriptions are good and manage to quickly draw the player into the narrative world, and there's a pace to this small IF story. Petty for the poor implementation.