edos3199.dsk.gz To play, you can download edos3199.dsk.gz, unzip it, and run the game in an interpreter program - refer to the game's documentation for details. (The file is compressed with gzip. Free unpacking tools are available for most systems.)
EDOS3199.SDK To play, you can download EDOS3199.SDK and run the game in an interpreter program - refer to the game's documentation for details.
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EamonAG It's a small dungeon, and all puzzles can be easily solved by doing a LOOK in every room. It has some pretty fair special effects as well. This adventure may be appropriate for the skill level of young Eamonauts. See the full review
Language: English (en) First Publication Date: June 1, 1990 Current Version: Unknown
License: Freeware Development System: Eamon Baf's Guide ID:
1580 IFID: Unknown TUID: