Adapted from an IFCOMP24 Review
Mc23a: “How are you back here again, time traveling future me? Wait, before you say another word, GIVE ME STOCK TIPS!”
Mc23b: “Wait, look at our names, past me. They’ve changed, we’re no longer pre- and post- McB.”
Mc23a: “Duh doi, I’ve played Dick McButts by now. So those STOCK TIPS…?”
Mc23b: (waving hands impatiently) “But why numbers? What could that…?”
<flash of light>
Mc24: “Hail and well met good me’s!”
Mc23a: “Oh god, we buy fedoras???”
Mc24: “What? No, you can see I’m not…”
Mc23b: “You’re us from further in the future aren’t you?”
Mc24: “Oh I see, no. Time travel is so 2023. No, we’re MULTIVERSAL now. These numbers…”
Mc23b: “Universe identifiers, got it. So your universe?”
Mc24: “One where my IFCOMP24 randomizer put the McButts sequel first, yes. So I’ve played it and you haven’t.”
Mc23a: “We got turned into a douche by a randomizer?”
Mc24: “What? No, I was always, wait, wh… aaaah.”
Mc23b: “The sequel you say? Ok, I admit I was intrigued seeing it in the entries. Is it going to hold up?”
Mc23a: “It’s literally the next game on our list, couldn’t we maybe talk stocks instead?”
Mc24: “What happens when you go to a one joke conceit a second time?”
Mc23a: “Great. Fedora AND Socratic method. You live alone, don’t you?”
Mc23b: (ignoring Mc23a) “Oooh, That’s tough. You kind of have to escalate things or twist things pretty dramatically, don’t you?”
Mc23a: “Why are you humoring him??”
Mc24: (ignoring Mc23a) “Yes, but, what if you don’t?”
Mc23b: “Diminishing returns? I’m starting to see your point, Mc23a.”
Mc23a: “Is there someone else we can talk to?”
<flash of light>
Mc420: (slowly massaging side of face) “Wooah. Dudes. This is too, too trippy.”
Mc24: (peevishly) “I kind of had this.”
Mc23a: “I’m not getting any stock tips, am I?”
Mc23b: “New guy, have you played Rod McShlong?”
Mc420: “Oh fr sure my dude. It was a lark, but didn’t really take off until it technicolor’d in the middle. Like, into a dimension of shlong punching.” (eyes go vacant, considering implications)
Mc24: (miffed) “Yeah, I was getting to that. That was the most fun part of it.”
Mc240: “I mean the gags were solid, right in line with McButts.”
Mc23a: “I can’t help but think stock tips are a better use of…”
Mc23b: “Solid but not escalating?”
Mc420: (thinking way too hard before…) “Yeah I guess so. But that trippy center part was the tits.”
Mc24: “I can see where that might land harder in… his universe.”
Mc23b: “Hm, yeah. Anyone else we can talk to?”
Mc24: “I’m still here!”
<flash of light>
Mc69: “Hey guys, we talking Rod McSchlong?” (waggles eyebrows)
Mc23a, 23b, 24: (in unison) “NOPE!”
<exit in flash of light>
Mc420: “Hold it! Everyone STOP! STOP! Rod? ROD MCSHLONG?!?!?” (giggles uncontrollably)
Played: 9/5/24
Playtime: 20min, 1 win, 9 ‘losses’
Artistic/Technical ratings: Mechanical/mostly Seamless, bonus for midpoint graphical experimentation
Would Play Again?: No, experience is complete
Artistic scale: Bouncy, Mechanical, Sparks of Joy, Engaging, Transcendent
Technical scale: Unplayable, Intrusive, Notable (Bugginess), Mostly Seamless, Seamless