
by Priscilla Langridge


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'Playing the game and reading the descriptions is pretty good fun as there's some real humour lurking at each locality. I tended to prefer the real zany stuff and there is much play on the fact that you are guiding this long-eared bunny around the Chicago streets of the 20's. Take this passage from the jailhouse area of town: '"Hey, you with the ears!" snarls one of the guards, barring my way. "This is the jailhouse"'. Then below it you read "Hey, you wit' the keyboard! Whaddaya tryin' ta get me in the jailhouse for?" And again with "I am standing outside a theatrical costumier's (betcha didn't know I could say words that long). To the north the road goes northwards while to the south it stretches in a southerly direction" (I like the zany bit at the end - more of which in a moment). Entering the shop gives you: "I am inside da thatsoomers... I mean da fatricoomiers... Aw heck, you already know I can say the words, so shaddup". Pure zaniness is this passage taken from the poster at the railway station: "Come to Chicago where lights are bright, where men are men and women are women. Where horses are horses and dogs are dogs and everything else is pretty much the way you'd expect it to be".'

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