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The Quest for the Holy Snail

by Gareth Pitchford profile and Scott Denyer (The Spud)

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About the Story

'Can you, Sir Godfrey de Glastonbury, succeed where many great knights have failed and recover the fabled Holy Snail from the castle guarded by the Bleak Night?'

The Quest for the Holy Snail was a greatly expanded version of the original Microfair Madness mini-adventure and was produced for the ZX Spectrum 48K. It made its first appearance on the Delbert's Hamster Wheel of Fortune compilation released by Delbert the Hamster Software in 1992.

A PAWed Amstrad CPC/PCW CP/M version of this title was produced and sold by Philip Reynolds of The Adventure Workshop, it featured on the B-Side of The Life of a Lone Electron.

When Delbert the Hamster Software closed, Zenobi Software took over the distribution of this title and it appeared on their Hamster Droppings compilation.

An Adventuron version of the original Microfair Madness mini-adventure is available to play online here.

The original Amstrad port is currently "lost" but a new version for CP/M, produced from the Spectrum source file, has been created. This '2018 edition' includes several gameplay tweaks & additional hints. It's available as a new Spectrum 48K version as well as the CP/M edition suitable for Amstrad CPC/PCW, ProDOS on SAM and DOS PC.


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