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Trap Cave

by Emilian Kowalewski

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(based on 5 ratings)
1 review6 members have played this game.

About the Story

First complete fantasy adventure in english and german for my advanced MC & CYOA system Node-X (V1.1, Generation 1). Short demo for writing your own Node-X games included, as well as Win32 and Linux executables of interpreter. Enjoy!


23rd Place - 15th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (2009)

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 5 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
An interesting multiple choice system, mostly in German, July 21, 2017*
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This game is written in its own multiple choice system, which allows you to check inventory at any time.

This game is almost entirely in German. I like German games, so it's not so bad, but in my version of windows, the umlauts display poorly, making the German not as easy to read.

Overall, the game is not as well developed as the system is.

* This review was last edited on August 1, 2017
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1 Off-Site Review

Baf's Guide

The author obviously hasn't seen any of the two Russian most popular CYOA IF development systems - URQ or QSP. Otherwise, he'd probably suffer a shock, since they cover practically the same functionality his Node-X system Trap Cave is written in only strives to reach.

The game itself isn't very impressive. It was conceived as a not-too-fancy cave crawl, but fails even as such. Before running into a dead-end I encountered one rather trivial puzzle and an instant death (that couldn't be revoked even though Node-X lets the player undo one turn). The game comes in two versions - the original German one and an English translation, but in the latter one, only the start room and a few menu options are actually translated. Thus, you won't be able to play it at all if you don't understand German.

--Valentine Kopteltsev


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Game Details

Language: German, English (de, en)
First Publication Date: October 1, 2009
Current Version: 1.0
License: Freeware
Development System: Custom
Baf's Guide ID: 3213
IFIDs:  F305D28A80FDD53B972E0F899193D35D
TUID: c07y5psckykcsbqh

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