I learned a lot playing this game.
I was most familiar with Richard Otter as the author of Word of the Day, one of the largest Inform works of all time in terms of wordcount. It did well in IFComp and even picked up a nomination for an XYZZY award. It was about a mystery in space and included tens of thousands of words on alien biology and evolution.
So I was surprised to see this 2009 Adrift 4 game that reference all of his previous games, of which there were a ton. I had no idea! I also didn't know that his username was Delron, which is the name of a website I've seen pop up a lot before. It also seems he had two earlier IFComp games that I had played and just not associated with his name.
This game is pretty big and I had some trouble and didn't know if the webplayer would save, so I used the walkthrough. It was like a guided tour of his games. Basically, there is 1-3 rooms for each game, and each world contains a piece of paper with the name of a game on it and a person who accepts the correct piece of paper for that world. Your goal is to match them up.
The most interesting worlds to me were the robot world of Unauthorized Termination, the world where you're a germ infesting a human, and the world where a decaying but alive Lion is in a room with a statue of King David after an apocalypse.
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