Theatre begins with a familiar enough premise; the player is unexpectedly trapped in a deserted old building that just *happens* to be inhabited by malevolent spirits and horrid monsters. You are then forced to wander the haunted halls attempting to both decipher the secrets of your current locale and escape with your skin. The game is inappropriate for younger adventurers due to several gruesome dead-endings and less lethal but very frightening scenes. Suffice it to say that Theatre quickly make me quite sorry for playing it at midnight with all the room lights extinguished.
While Brendon Wyber cannot exactly be credited for inventing anything new, the game itself makes up for the lack of pure originality. Guess-the-word experiences are all but absent, and the puzzles are quite logical to those with at least a few similar IF titles under their belt. Taken as a whole, Theatre is a solid adventure with a decent dose of danger.