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Maverick Hunter: Scandalous Mission

by Noah Si


About the Story

This project is not endorsed by nor affiliated with Capcom, Sega and Nintendo in any way. All Mega Man X / Rockman X material including but not limited to game, characters, images, names, and music are (c) Capcom Co., Ltd. Creme de la Creme and its franchise is (c) Hannah Powell-Smith. No copyright infringements are intended, this is a project purely intended as an unofficial fan project to show our love and appreciation for the franchise.

How my project came about: This game is dedicated to Keiji Inafune, one of the major leaders of the Mega Man franchise, and Emily Short, one of the major leaders of the interactive fiction community. I still have hope for a future Mega Man X9. This project was my attempt to create a piece of interactive fiction based on the Mega Man X franchise and containing elements form Hannah P S's Creme series (and others to be determined). I felt that it was a good idea to promote both series at the same time. This was also inspired by the unreleased game "Rockman X Interactive", which in turn laid the foundations for Super Adventure Rockman, and the "Rockman X: Irregulars Report" novel.

Right now, the playable demo is not so much a demo as a proof of concept. This will progress very, very slowly though.

WARNING: As this is mainly a proof-of-concept, it is playable, but plenty of features, content and other stuff are yet to be properly implemented. Read at your own risk.

Why this was put on hold indefinitely: This project has never officially been abandoned; rather it is clearly a prototype for whatever the completed thing is, if I complete it at all. The current situation may be too stressful for me to do major updates.

What lessons can be learnt from this: I had wanted to jump on the bandwagon, but I made some of the common pitfalls:

Creating an IF to get likes/numbers/interactions rather than just because it is your interest.
Not getting the amount of interactions you expected from the get-go or not seeing it increase as much as you hoped.
IF becoming more popular and the potentiality of your work being read by more people.
Announcing a project before having planned or written part of the story.
Promising mechanics or features without knowing whether it will possible/make sense/feasible to include it.
Not setting expectations about the content of a project when announcing it (or soon after).
Expecting too much from ourselves as creators.
Believing their story isn’t new enough.
Starting an IF without having done any research about how to create one.
Starting a big project without testing the waters of IF creation.
Just making stuff up on the fly and throwing it on the board without thoroughly reviewing it.

I probably made some of these mistakes.

My decision to put this on the Bring out your Ghosts Jam was so that I could achieve the closure that I had hoped for so long, but also to let it out into the world for further feedback, as well as to test the market. This is also a gift to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Rockman/ Mega Man X. Here's to many more! If possible, I would like to continue with this project.

Page Update History

v.4: 20-Nov-2023 18:36 - manonamora (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
v.3: 03-Jan-2024 01:17 - JTN
Changed description
v.2: 28-Nov-2023 18:09 - Noah Si
Changed series name, episode number, forgiveness, author
  v.1: 20-Nov-2023 18:36 - manonamora
Created page

Game Details