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(K)night Under The Mountain

by vermis

(based on 3 ratings)
2 reviews2 members have played this game.

About the Story

Katabasis (ka·tab·a·sis) | A journey downwards: a journey downhillmountain.

A journey into the Caldera of the Somnanbulist to uncover the sleeping knight, and—if the legends serve true—wake Him.

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 3 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
It is let down by it's ending(s), July 2, 2024

The game is short and I played it a dozen or so times to try to experience the multiple options. There are three perspectives on what/who the Knight might be and what it all means, and on my first play through I was genuinely intrigued to see what happens. But the ending(s) let the game down.

(Spoiler - click to show) There are three endings, one corresponding to each of the three perspectives of the knight - He slumbers, he never was, he is metaphorical but the treasure may be real. At the end, you pick one of them to be true and that is it. You pick, you are right, the game ends. In all cases I was left thinking "Is that it?"

vermis does manage to evoke atmosphere in this very short game, and I accept that the 500 word limit on the Neo-Twiny word jam is an extremely tight limitation. So I respect the effort but that ultimately was not enough for me to consider the game successful.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Tale or truth?, June 9, 2024
Related reviews: neotwinyjam

(K)night Under The Mountain is a short philosophic fantasy Twine piece, inspired by the knight asleep in the mountain folklore trope, takes a trio looking for said knight, in hopes to bring a brighter future. Each adventurer has a different view on the tale, from taking it as gospel to looking at is as only a metaphor. It is an interesting exploration of the trope (benevolent figure to save us all vs we must save ourselves), with a smart formatting of the story to enhance replayability.

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