The Little Match Girl, by Hans Christian Andersen

by Ryan Veeder profile

Episode 1 of The Little Match Girl
Inform 7

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Twisted firestarter, August 23, 2023
by jakomo
Related reviews: Little Match Girl series

The "classic fairytale re-imagined" is one of the most heavily over-represented genres in IF, but when Ryan Veeder does it, you pay attention. You play the titular match girl, freezing to death on a street corner but able to teleport to different times/places/worlds by striking matches. Gamplay is super-straightforward fetch quests: find an object / find the right NPC to give it to, or find an NPC / figure out what object they would like. Superluminal Vagrant Twin-esque. It's elegant, clean and simple. Locations are varied and surprising. NPCs are deftly characterized and full of life, despite how little they actually say and do.

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