Prodly the Puffin

by Jim Crawford and Craig Timpany

Cartoon, Satire, Surreal

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Number of Reviews: 1
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>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction

I'd urge anyone who wants to play this game but hasn't done so yet to check out the [Pokey The Penguin web site] before playing. It's not that they'll give you a fighting chance of understanding what's going on, because understanding what's going on is not what Prodly (the game) is about. It's more of an attempt to capture the completely bizarre style of Pokey, its careening plots and desperate lack of quality. How successful it is I'm not sure, because I played the game before I knew anything about the web comic, and therefore experienced it all without being able to understand its point.

Because of this circumstance, I didn't have much fun. The whole thing just kind of went past me, capital letters, outrageous violence, and all. Since I rate the games based on how much fun I had experiencing them, Prodly unfortunately can't rate very highly. However, I am grateful to it. It pointed me to Pokey, and Pokey has been cracking me up all day.

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