Saving the Princess is a work of choice-based interactive fiction created in Twine 2 (SugarCube) and based on a story by Yuri Nikitin, a Ukrainian fantasy writer.
In the near future, doctors are treating mental conditions by taking journeys into the patient’s inner world to fight their demons. Vlad, a young Psychosurgeon Assistant, must do that to bring back the girl he once loved. By exploring the elusive world of her dreams, he must find her inner dragon and defeat it before her true self is lost for good.
The game can be played by using mouse or finger only; no typing required. The narrative contains brief written depictions of violence and injuries and some strong language.
Language: English (en) First Publication Date: September 13, 2019 Current Version: 4.2
License: Commercial Development System: Twine Forgiveness Rating: Tough IFID: Unknown TUID: