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Capitaine Chavire (ou les déboires d'un matou sur la Mer de Lait)

by Lilie B profile

(based on 1 rating)
1 review4 members have played this game.

About the Story

C'est l'histoire d'un capitaine aux longues moustaches, féru d'aventures en mer... Que lui arrivera-t-il avant que la Bonde Divine n'engloutisse tout ? À vous de le décider


Ratings and Reviews

An adventure of a lifetime (literally), September 6, 2023
Related reviews: French, concoursmoiki

Filled with cat-puns and light humour, Capitaine Chavire ships you on an adventure of a lifetime (potentially literally). After setting up a small crew you sail the Milk Sea in search of treasures, food, and companions. Along the way, you may encounter other ships you can fight against or negotiate with, deserted islands where you can pick up lone crew members or find extra food, and mystical creatures to face.

If you manage to keep enough crew and food, navigating the tempestuous sea for long enough, the game will abruptly call the final trial*. Depending on the crew aboard your ship, you may manage to pass it and fulfilling your dream. I have yet to beat the requirements, always missing something by the end.
*I think you need to have clicked on a specific cardinal direction a certain number of times?

While the resource management gameplay is fun, I found the humourous writing to be the highlight of the game. Everything in the game is cat-related. You barter in kibbles, recruit crew whose name will start with Cha/Chat, sail the literal Milk Sea... (Spoiler - click to show)all to fight a mystical fish. Even replaying was entertaining, as locations and names were randomised at every turn.
(Spoiler - click to show)Speaking of the fish, it reminded me of the Rainbow Fish children's book, with... well... it's rainbow scales. Cute throwback!

Either I'm bad at resource management, or I didn't explore enough, or I just have bad luck, but not reaching a positive end has made me wonder if there is a winnable state with the game or if it is possible to reach it at all. The title of the game, and of your name, Chavire, implies something to capsize. While this could refer to the consequences of the trial if you fail, or the treacherous seas, it could also imply your ship will always capsize no matter what you do.

On day, I'll try to get on this milky sea and try my luck again...

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Capitaine Chavire (ou les déboires d'un matou sur la Mer de Lait) on IFDB


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