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11 of 12 people found the following review helpful:
The Best of the Scott Adams Games, August 11, 2010
by Xervosh (San Jose, Northern California)

Yes, this is definitely the best of the Scott Adams games (also the very first IF game I ever played, which I played shortly after it first came out - I'm turning 40 next month, and you pretty much have to be about my age to be able to say that).

Sure, it has all the limitations of the other Scott Adams two-word parser games...but it just has more atmosphere than the others. Its a genuinely creepy game in a way that's difficult to define (admittedly, it probably doesn't stand the test of time very well today).

Its actually one of the less difficult Scott Adams games; if you have an IF background (and if you don't, surely you have better things to be doing with your time?), you should be able to figure this thing out. Its not likely to leave you permanently stuck, and that is always a blessing. I recommend playing the graphical version that was released for the Apple II, and maybe other systems, if possible (the Apple II version can be found online). Of all the Scott Adams graphic adventures, this is the one that was most enhanced by graphics. The ridiculously sparse descriptions are given a nice boost via the visuals, and a couple of the sights towards the finale are well-worth seeing, in all their primitive glory.

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