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(not so) strangers in the night

by manonamora profile

Slice of life

(based on 5 ratings)
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About the Story

Zach and Irene decide to play a little game tonight.
What could go wrong with pretending to be strangers... ?

This short interactive fiction piece was created for the SeedComp!, ShuffleComp and the Zach Jam.
Made in Twine/Harlowe.

It was inspired by the song Lola + Joseph by July Talk (YouTube).
It also used in parts the following seeds: 100 photographs by BenyDanette, 1 link = 1 viewpoint change by CrocMiam, and 60 Pieces of Architecture. by MartynJBull.
It has a character named Zach.

Content Warning:
Not super NSFW, but it has a make-out scene at the end.
Car sound, mention of alcohol, self-deprecation


Entrant, All Games - SeedComp! - 2024

9th Place, Game Goodness; 1st Place, Use of songs - ShuffleComp 2023


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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: January 6, 2024
Current Version: 1
License: Freeware
Development System: Twine
IFID: 85719755-F086-4026-BFA6-3FB023230D80
TUID: 85nbrr94agjpu323

(not so) strangers in the night on IFDB


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Multiple point-of-view characters by Joan
Interested in games where you swap between different characters' heads (whether at will or at specific points in the story), not games where a single main character possesses different bodies or games that play with different...

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This is version 3 of this page, edited by manonamora on 19 January 2024 at 1:25am. - View Update History - Edit This Page - Add a News Item - Delete This Page