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JSApplesoft, TRS-80 Micro Color Computer, TRS-80 Coco, Tano Dragon 32/​64 Versions
Apple II Application
Contains VMC10.exe
Type CLOAD & hit ENTER. Select UNCLETAY.​C10 in the JimG subdirectory of the Cassette directory. Type RUN...
Windows Application (Windows XP and later) (Compressed with ZIP. Free Unzip tools are available for most systems at www.info-zip.org.)

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Uncle Tays' House Adventure

by inexorabletash


Web Site

(based on 1 rating)
1 review

About the Story

In this adventure you find treasures and valuables in your mad uncle Tays' house type simple commands: north, south, etc. To move (or just 'n', 's'). Take and drop, inventory, look, read, move, and so on. Some commands are complex: 'move the hubcap with the spanner'.

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Member Reviews

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Number of Reviews: 1
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Who is Mad Uncle Tays?, April 9, 2014
by jgerrie (Cape Breton Island, Canada)
Related reviews: Basic Text Adventuring

The source code for this game seems to be standard Applesoft Basic code put up as an example program for a Javascript version of that Venerable 8-bit computer language. The source code is very well written and the game is very challenging. The parser is able to handle two-word commands and also some more complex sentences for more complex tasks. Some things to be aware of: It doesn't accept short-form commands except for the directions--So "INV" wont work for INVENTORY, for example. Also it uses the convention of "TAKE" instead of "GET" and does not support many synonyms, although "READ" and "EXAMINE" will do much the same things. The clues are very thorough and there are no instances of completely arbitrary deaths. All risks can be foreseen if clues and descriptions are read carefully. A very interesting concept that leaves you wondering--who exactly was uncle Tays?

A walkthrough is available at:
Basic Programming on the TRS-80 MC-10

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