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Metallic Red

by Riaz Moola

Part of Perndemonium

(based on 1 rating)
1 review2 members have played this game.

About the Story

Wake from uneasy dreams. Float within the mist created by the low flow shower head in the bathroom of your inter system capable Personal Space Vehicle. Tend to the Japanese greens in the hydroponics array. You have everything you need to sustain you. Look into the mirror and tell me who you see.

An atmosphere focused science fiction journey with elements of esotericism.

No wrong choices, no way to fail.


Ratings and Reviews

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Day after day, floating through space, September 16, 2024
by MathBrush
Related reviews: about 1 hour

Being alone or in a small group in space is a classic story setup. Even before space people did it with ships, like Robinson Crusoe or Swiss Family Robinson. Movies like The Martian or Gravity, podcasts like Vast Horizon or Wolf 359 or Girl in Space, and IF games like Protocol or Seedship all deal with isolation in space.

To me, that says that there's something about the experience that satisfies some primal human urge for self-evaluation and discovery, like a spiritual quest to understand yourself. In this game, **Metallic Red**, you float through space, tend a garden, communicate on the internet, order packages, and get into Tarot; a very 2020 kind of life.

The gameplay is split into days, with a typically day consisting of browsing the web, checking your plants, and sleeping with strange dreams. It changes quite a bit by the end of the game.

The tone of the game is melancholic and isolated, with themes of change, loss, and growth. It is well-put together; the only thing that looked like a bug was a possibly repeated conversation.

I'm not sure whether the game was structured around a certain set of themes or if it was built around this character and just imagining what life would be like for a person. I wonder if it's the latter because (Spoiler - click to show)someone being raised religiously then becoming depressed as an adult, leaving the religion, and getting into gardening and tarot is such a universal experience that I know 2 or 3 people personally who have done it and dozens more online. So this could just be a way to take a universal experience and put it into space.

In any case, I liked this story. State isn't really tracked; you can use a chapter select to hop from part to part. I forgot one of the instructions during a cooking segment and couldn't figure out how to get out of it for a while, but I found that part satisfying.

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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: September 1, 2024
Current Version: Unknown
Development System: Twine
IFID: C46F9332-06A1-47E0-8D6D-79F700724FCE
TUID: 7xnww9qytmqi2xas

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