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Steam and Sacrilege

by Phil McGrail


About the Story

The Automatic Hotel, once hailed as a symbol of scientific progress and invention, stands crumbling. Surrounded by protesters trying to save the historic landmark and mired in rumors about the hotel's once-great steam-powered automatons, the building now represents something much more sinister. It's the last place that you saw your husband alive.

You must find a way to enter the mysterious hotel and discover the secretes of its celestial prison. But more importantly, you must make a choice. Which is more important – the life of your husband or the survival of humanity as you know it?

Page Update History

v.6: 01-Oct-2016 18:10 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed license type
v.5: 25-Nov-2019 20:49 - cas
Changed IFIDs
v.4: 22-Nov-2016 12:48 - verityvirtue
Changed download links
v.3: 18-Nov-2016 21:36 - CMG
Changed external review links
v.2: 02-Oct-2016 23:35 - CMG
Changed cover art
  v.1: 01-Oct-2016 18:10 - verityvirtue
Created page

Game Details