Played on my Kindle keyboard. It was well-suited to the screen size and responsive; a good format for this work.
The game play consists largely of trying to guess your way through an interrogation; the protagonist might know the truth (must, since he has the option to lie), but the player is rather clueless. This feels somewhat like showing up to Chemistry when you stayed up all night studying for English.
Depending on your choices, your protagonist may be an unfortunate victim of circumstances or a rather unpleasant personality entirely; the actual events leading up to your interrogation don't change, but where you go from there determines things.
My major quibble after playing it through to a number of endings is that while the protagonist may be happiest with one branch, I found that I far preferred some of the "less than optimal" solutions. I just couldn't empathize very much with the character. In the less optimal solutions, you don't know as much about him and what you do know is morally ambiguous; in the "winning" solutions (that I've found; perhaps there are others), I knew him better and liked him far less.
Worth playing through, for certain, and a good demonstration of inklewriter and kindliser on the presentation end, but the story itself left me a little cold.