
by John Evans


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Number of Reviews: 2
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>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction

At this point, I feel like I could really save myself a lot of time and energy by just writing up a template for reviews of John Evans games. The basic gist of the template would be "This game has some cool ideas and a lot of potential, but it's not really finished and it seems untested, so it sucks." Then I could just fill in the blanks with some specifics about the game, and be done. Evans has submitted games to the last five IF competitions, and they've all fit this mold, so why shouldn't I just keep writing the same review over and over again? I kinda have to.

I mean, I guess they're improving. The first couple (Castle Amnos and Elements) were way too big for the competition, and that problem got corrected. Unfortunately, it got corrected by switching to total unfinishability due to scores of heinous bugs. I gave a rating of 1.0 to Evans' last couple of games because they were just totally incomplete. Order isn't as bad as that. It's the right size for the comp, and it is finishable. But it is still not finished.

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