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Contains Tales of the Soul Thief​/Tales of the Soul Thief.zblorb
All the entries in IntroComp 2014.
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Tales of the Soul Thief

by David Whyld profile

Inform 7

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About the Story


You've travelled a long way to reach this place. A cursed city, some call it, others a city of the unliving. A city where the Fallen One holds sway and certainly not a place visited lightly by those without great need to come here. But you have a need, and a great one at that...

(This was an entry to IntroComp, and is thus incomplete.)


Honorable Mention - IntroComp 2014


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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: July 22, 2014
Current Version: 1
Development System: Inform 7
IFID: 1931A2C4-D9A7-450C-B4CA-461C83337D90
TUID: 6iu24kn058gni3j4

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