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by Jason Dyer profile

(based on 5 ratings)
1 review7 members have played this game. It's on 6 wishlists.

About the Story

You've found it at last - the chest containing the Treasure of Phlegm. Now, all you need to do is get it down from the tree. A cannon could help, if you can find the tools necessary to fire it...
[--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]


Nominee - Leo the Lemming, Best Individual NPC - 1996 XYZZY Awards

17th Place - 2nd Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (1996)

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 5 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
An early surreal game with a ferret sidekick and nonsensical puzzles, March 2, 2016

This game was entered in one of earlier IFComps. You play a treasure hunter with a furry sidekick. You explore 5 or 6 different rooms with a variety of people and objects.

There is really no rhyme or reason to the game at all, but your pal Leo will give you hints. You explore moose lodges, ancient temples, and the end of the world, while collecting crayons.

Fun for fans of nonsense-surreality, or of good npcs.

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4 Off-Site Reviews

Baf's Guide

A very silly game, in which you and your lemming companion Leo try to to open a treasure chest lodged in a tree. Involves water balloons, moose worship, and four ancient Mayan crayons. Small but difficult. Contains a hint menu.

-- Carl Muckenhoupt

One minute you're in Ancient Mayan Ruins, the next at the End of the World. Add a series of blatant, gratuitous rip-offs (the needle in the haystack from "Nord and Bert," the llama food and Restaurant at the End of the Universe from Douglas Adams' works) that don't fit in at all, and some thoroughly motivationless, illogical puzzles [...] and you've got a great contender for absolute rock-bottom last place.

-- Christopher E. Forman
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This is a light, fluffy souffl' of a game, with not a single serious thought in its head or point of view to hammer home. It's fun, it's amusing, it's charming, it's easy to play and it has a built-in hint system if you're stuck.

-- Bev Truter
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>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction

Phlegm wasn’t really hilarious, but it provided a number of smiles, and even its puzzles were logical in an illogical kind of way. In many ways, the game is like its opening joke — lots of fun at the moment, but not anything you’d ever want to repeat.
See the full review


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Phlegm on IFDB

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Silly/goofy/purposely bad games by MathBrush
These are games that are funny because they are ridiculous or completely absurd. This does not include games like Tex Bonaventure or Rogue of the Multiverse which have developed plot lines and long stretches of non absurdity.

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