The Factory

by SollyStartles


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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Nothing new, I'm afraid, January 7, 2014

This game was very hard for me to navigate, and the formatting was very unpolished and very outdated-looking. But once I did, I... honestly wasn't very impressed. The choices were extremely limited and the game was very short; I think I managed to get all the endings in about four minutes.

As for the story... well, it knows what it /wants/ to be, I'll give it that. But it really fails in the execution. There isn't any atmosphere at /all/, an d the writing is sub-par. The actual story is fairly simple. (Spoiler - click to show)The player character, Stuart, murders/witnesses the suicide of his mother. But it's poorly done, and has absolutely no impact - it's not interesting, not emotional, and not in a million years /scary/. There's no room left for thought in the prose - when the grammar is proper it just tells the story in a flat, boring way. But the grammar is usually just confusing. In all honesty, it reads like a bad creepypasta by a twelve year old, and has about as much 'horror' as one of those.

This strikes me as a very first-attempt-y game, and /that/ makes me sorry for being so harsh with it. The author is young or doesn't have a great handle on English, so I can be a little more lenient on them for that. But it doesn't excuse a boring, unscary game that's trying to do things it has no business attempting.

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