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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Worth Taking A Look, July 22, 2024

There is a lot to like about Bradisson Rayburn's Revenge. The premise is funny. You're on a game show. You can't win it, because the game is rigged against you for some reason (I never figured out why Rayburn hates me). That sets the stage (literally) for a great premise. You must use cunning and guile to cheat your way to victory, as any sane person would surely do! There are many humorous moments here. The writing is competent and feels appropriate for the setting.

Bradisson Rayburn's Revenge! was designed and published in a very short amount of time, showing how quickly a simple 30-to-60-minute game could be built in Inform 7. There are ways to see 'bad' endings but "UNDO" or just saving the game before each contest stage will solve that. The ending was sudden for me, I didn't expect it to happen that way, but it was pretty good. I would definitely revisit this game later if author Lance Cirone decides to expand it. I definitely hope that he will, or at least keep writing IF and perfecting the craft.

Overall, BRR is a good effort as a short diversion and worth taking a look. And BRR is definitely worth expanding into a bigger work, hopefully we see more or a sequel possibly.

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