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Downtown Tokyo, Present Day

by John Kean

About the Story

"In this game you actually play two people - one is the real you, sitting in the dark in a movie theatre, and the other is the hero of the film that you are watching.
Originally conceived for Adam Cadre's infamous Chicken-Comp of June 1998 (spot the chicken-crossing-the-road)."
[--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]

Page Update History

v.6: 06-May-2022 00:37 - Paul O'Brian (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed external review links
v.5: 18-Apr-2021 04:43 - Zape
Changed download links
v.4: 19-Apr-2013 03:05 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
v.3: 07-May-2008 13:20 - Paul O'Brian
Changed external review links
  v.2: 01-Mar-2008 20:56 - David Welbourn
Changed description
v.1: 16-Oct-2007 01:47 - IFDB
Created page

Game Details