The Apocalypse Clock

by GlorbWare


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Member Reviews

Number of Reviews: 1
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I feel that if you can somehow see past the unpolished writing, the under-implemented features, the badly implemented features, the almost tediously simple and cliched puzzles - if you can somehow see past all that then there's the kernel of amusing, witty, creative, small, game here. Humor is always tricky, but I find the author's style pretty funny. The writing is raw, and it could definitely do with a steadying influence from time to time. Beta-testing, really any sort of testing, would definitely be an improvement. [...]

I would be very intrigued to see the author produce a work with more craft applied to it, I feel there's a raw wit and imagination that could be successfully harnessed. Please let's have Sara the cat in the next game too.
-- David Jones

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