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The Apocalypse Clock

by GlorbWare

Inform 6

(based on 8 ratings)
1 review13 members have played this game.


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Average Rating: based on 8 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A goofy but enjoyable parser game on a timer about an apocalypse, June 29, 2016

I don't usually like super goofy games, but this one combines silliness with some earnestness and good descriptions. You play a conspiracy theorist with a talking British cat. Your house is small, with important objects clearly marked in descriptions, and only a few secrets.

This game has a timer of about 75 turns, displayed every turn. In this case, the timer served as a reassurance to me that the game would be small and solvable in a few turns. Unlike most timers, this one improved the game experience.

There were some typos, but I found this to be a better experience overall than I expected. Most people would probably find this game to be a 2-3 star experience.

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1 Off-Site Review


I feel that if you can somehow see past the unpolished writing, the under-implemented features, the badly implemented features, the almost tediously simple and cliched puzzles - if you can somehow see past all that then there's the kernel of amusing, witty, creative, small, game here. Humor is always tricky, but I find the author's style pretty funny. The writing is raw, and it could definitely do with a steadying influence from time to time. Beta-testing, really any sort of testing, would definitely be an improvement. [...]

I would be very intrigued to see the author produce a work with more craft applied to it, I feel there's a raw wit and imagination that could be successfully harnessed. Please let's have Sara the cat in the next game too.
-- David Jones
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