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The Krazy Kartoonist Kaper

by Kez Gray

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About the Story

It was a normal evening, just like any other, at the Warrington Art Studio, home of the loony known as KEZ THE KARTOONIST. Nothing stirred - not even a teaspoon - when suddenly a man dressed in a black uniform and black balaclava crashed through the window...

"Hello" said Kez, "bit early with the chocs aren't you? It's not February 14th yet!" The man glared at her angrily and yelled, "Shut up! You're in deep trouble lady - this time you've gone too far with your degrading, lavatorial cartoons! I'm taking you for ransom in the name of the S.A.S.!"

"Special Armed Services?" gasped Kez.

"No - Salford Art Saboteurs!" replied the stranger as he hit Kez over the head with a nearby stuffed elephant. Soon, the man had bundled the unconscious cartoonist into the back of a hired hearse, wiped the place clean of 'dabs' and vanished into the night. As far as the neighbours were concerned, Kez had simply 'disappeared'...

This is where YOU come in - in the role of CRIS THE DOG - Kez's faithful hound and companion.

Upon finding that nobody was willing to come up with the required ransom-money and that Kez was being held (against her will for a change) in tight chains in KILMOORE CASTLE on MYSTERY MOOR (a place where people often go in but few were ever fortunate enough to come out again - not ALIVE anyway!) YOU take it upon yourself to rescue her - if you can!!!


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