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The Owl Consults

by Thomas Mack profile, Nick Mathewson, and Cidney Hamilton

About the Story

Once you've established yourself as the ruler of the crime world (and, eventually, the literal world), the only challenge left is helping out the next generation of supervillains---for a suitable fee, of course.

Page Update History

v.13: 26-Feb-2025 16:31 - JTN (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed IFIDs, version number, download links
v.12: 27-Sep-2024 23:33 - Zape
Changed genre
v.11: 04-May-2021 22:36 - Zape
Changed license type
v.10: 12-Apr-2021 21:54 - Zape
Changed download links
v.9: 27-Nov-2019 10:02 - cas
Changed IFIDs
  v.8: 27-Nov-2019 10:01 - cas
Changed IFIDs
v.7: 05-Oct-2018 13:27 - MathBrush
Changed series name, episode number
v.6: 04-Feb-2018 18:30 - DashT
Changed development system
v.5: 26-Nov-2017 18:09 - tmack
Changed download links
v.4: 17-Nov-2017 17:57 - Nathan
Changed version number
v.3: 16-Nov-2017 14:28 - CMG
Changed download links
v.2: 06-Oct-2017 20:18 - CMG
Changed author
v.1: 01-Oct-2017 15:30 - CMG
Created page

Game Details